Dellani Oakes

He Thought He Saw redBrian is stunned to find out that his father is home. When he asks where Miles has been, he discovers his dad has been fighting Deidrich, whom he cautions them to refer to as Mr. D.

“Yeah,” Brian said. “So, it’s extra bad.”

“Bad to the nth degree,” Miles replied. “Doesn’t begin to describe it.”

“I saw you fight him,” Brian said shyly. “When I was holding Lester, I saw you.”

That took a little explaining. Between him and Heath, they gave his father the details.

“That was a few weeks after your birthday,” Miles explained. “If it hadn’t been for those two,” he pointed to the dogs. “It would have been a totally different story. They saved my bacon more than once over the last few months.”

“You need to tell him about Maribelle, Miles,” Heath said.

Miles bit his lip, turning his head away. Tears formed in his…

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